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Customisation Expertise

Instead of only pro­vid­ing gener­ic pre-built SaaS solu­tions, we can also build and cus­tomise appli­ca­tions that are com­plete­ly tai­lored to your spe­cif­ic needs.

Expert Implementation

To help you hit the ground run­ning, our expe­ri­enced team ensures that every solu­tion is set up right the first time, sav­ing you time and avoid­ing cost­ly mistakes.

Smooth Integration

The best tech­nol­o­gy works seam­less­ly with what you already have. We ensure new plat­forms and appli­ca­tions inte­grate effort­less­ly, so your oper­a­tions stay effi­cient and connected.

Certified Expertise

Our team’s exten­sive cer­ti­fi­ca­tions with lead­ing plat­forms like Sales­force and Shopi­fy mean you’re work­ing with experts who are trained and proven to deliv­er top-tier solutions.


We bring togeth­er a broad range of skills to deliv­er cus­tom solu­tions that fit your spe­cif­ic requirements.

TMS (Logistics Software)

WMS (Logistics Software)

Collaboration & Sharepoint

Conversational Interfaces & Chatbots

Contact Center Application

Customer Engagement

Custom Applications

  • IW
  • EdenceHealth
  • Exert
  • Little Miss Robot
  • 3-IT
  • Catcoon
  • Arinti
  • Lifelike
  • House of Innovation
  • Monkeyshot
  • Nemeon
  • Leap Forward
  • Customer Link
  • Comark
  • Anvil
  • Studio Hyperdrive
  • Collectief
  • ElevateIT
  • Upcore
  • Involved
  • Prospectr
  • Knight Moves
  • Radikal
  • Fluo
  • Mirror Mirror
  • Codekraton
  • Havik
  • Healthonauts
  • Hyperion
  • Once
  • BeBold
  • Numble
    • Radikal
    • Monkeyshot
    • Nemeon
    • Studio Hyperdrive
    • House of Innovation
    • Comark
    • Mirror Mirror
    • Numble
    • Knight Moves
    • ElevateIT
    • Fluo
    • Arinti
    • Havik
    • Catcoon
    • Codekraton
    • Once
    • BeBold
    • Customer Link
    • Involved
    • Collectief
    • EdenceHealth
    • Anvil
    • Leap Forward
    • IW
    • Prospectr
    • Little Miss Robot
    • Upcore
    • Hyperion
    • Lifelike
    • Healthonauts
    • 3-IT
    • Exert
    • Once
    • Hyperion
    • Comark
    • ElevateIT
    • Anvil
    • Fluo
    • Catcoon
    • Monkeyshot
    • IW
    • Leap Forward
    • Little Miss Robot
    • Involved
    • Codekraton
    • Numble
    • Mirror Mirror
    • Lifelike
    • Knight Moves
    • Arinti
    • Prospectr
    • Exert
    • Nemeon
    • Customer Link
    • Studio Hyperdrive
    • EdenceHealth
    • 3-IT
    • Upcore
    • House of Innovation
    • Collectief
    • Havik
    • BeBold
    • Healthonauts
    • Radikal
    • Customer Link
    • Leap Forward
    • Monkeyshot
    • Numble
    • Prospectr
    • 3-IT
    • Healthonauts
    • Lifelike
    • Anvil
    • Hyperion
    • ElevateIT
    • Little Miss Robot
    • Knight Moves
    • Involved
    • Arinti
    • Once
    • Havik
    • Exert
    • Nemeon
    • House of Innovation
    • Radikal
    • Mirror Mirror
    • Fluo
    • Catcoon
    • Collectief
    • IW
    • Codekraton
    • Comark
    • BeBold
    • Upcore
    • EdenceHealth
    • Studio Hyperdrive
    • Upcore
    • Hyperion
    • Radikal
    • Mirror Mirror
    • Studio Hyperdrive
    • Leap Forward
    • Prospectr
    • Arinti
    • Involved
    • Knight Moves
    • Numble
    • EdenceHealth
    • Once
    • Healthonauts
    • Little Miss Robot
    • BeBold
    • Nemeon
    • 3-IT
    • Exert
    • Comark
    • Fluo
    • IW
    • Catcoon
    • Codekraton
    • Havik
    • Anvil
    • Customer Link
    • House of Innovation
    • Collectief
    • Monkeyshot
    • Lifelike
    • ElevateIT
    A developer working on a laptop in an open, plant-filled workspace with code displayed on screens in the background.

    Custom Platforms

    What makes your busi­ness stand out from the com­pe­ti­tion, often requires spe­cif­ic func­tion­al­i­ties from your tech­nol­o­gy. Func­tion­al­i­ties that stan­dard tools might not sup­port. At Hype­r­i­on, we excel in cre­at­ing cus­tom plat­forms that are built from the ground up to meet your unique needs. Our exper­tise in cus­tomi­sa­tion allows us to design sys­tems that address spe­cif­ic busi­ness chal­lenges. It could be a cus­tom work­flow automa­tion tool that inte­grates with your lega­cy sys­tems, or a unique cus­tomer por­tal that offers fea­tures tai­lored specif­i­cal­ly to your users.

    Our pri­ma­ry focus is under­stand­ing your spe­cif­ic process­es and their con­text. Only after pin­point­ing these, we cre­ate a solu­tion that works well with your dai­ly work and helps you work faster and better.

    Software as a Service (SaaS) Applications

    SaaS plat­forms are all too com­mon­ly offered and deliv­ered with­out con­text and appro­pri­ate con­fig­u­ra­tion. Our cer­ti­fied experts step in to bridge the gap and help you get the most val­ue out of pow­er­ful tools like Sales­force, Share­point or Umbra­co. For exam­ple, we con­fig­ure Sales­force to stream­line your sales team’s pipeline, mak­ing their work more effi­cient, free­ing them from repet­i­tive tasks like man­u­al fol­low-ups. This saves time, reduces errors, and allows your team to focus on build­ing stronger rela­tion­ships with cus­tomers. But we can also assist you with more spe­cialised tools like Shopi­fy, Fortinet or Boltrics. With Shopi­fy, we cus­tomise online stores to improve user expe­ri­ence, seam­less­ly inte­grate with inven­to­ry sys­tems, and boost con­ver­sion rates. Our team doesn’t just imple­ment solu­tions like these; we cus­tomise them so that they fit your busi­ness per­fect­ly, rather than forc­ing your busi­ness to adapt to the software.

    Want to take the step together?

    Reach out to us, and let’s explore how we can build future-proof solu­tions togeth­er. We’re just a mes­sage away!

    Send us a message