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Increased customer loyalty

Our human-cen­tric design approach cre­ates mean­ing­ful and per­son­alised cus­tomer inter­ac­tions that fos­ter long-term loy­al­ty and gen­er­ate recur­ring business.

End-to-end customer journey with impact

We offer a full spec­trum of cus­tomer expe­ri­ence ser­vices, from brand strat­e­gy, visu­al iden­ti­ty, ser­vice design, UI/UX design to AR/VR, out-of-the-box dig­i­tal expe­ri­ences and com­mu­ni­ty engagement.

Accessible digital solutions

We design and devel­op solu­tions that are acces­si­ble to all users, com­pli­ant with Euro­pean acces­si­bil­i­ty regulations.

A sustainable set-up

Our team blends cre­ative exper­tise with deep func­tion­al and tech­no­log­i­cal knowl­edge. This unique com­bi­na­tion ensures visu­al­ly appeal­ing solu­tions that are built to last.


Visual Identity & Branding

Creative (Digital) Experience

Human Centric Design

HR- and Community Building

  • Codekraton
  • Nemeon
  • Lifelike
  • Radikal
  • Havik
  • Leap Forward
  • Monkeyshot
  • Krew
  • EdenceHealth
  • Knight Moves
  • Arinti
  • Involved
  • BeBold
  • Collectief
  • Numble
  • Anvil
  • House of Innovation
  • Studio Hyperdrive
  • Upcore
  • Healthonauts
  • Mirror Mirror
  • Prospectr
  • Little Miss Robot
  • Comark
  • 3-IT
  • IW
  • Once
  • Fluo
  • ElevateIT
  • Maven
  • Catcoon
  • Customer Link
  • Exert
    • Havik
    • House of Innovation
    • Lifelike
    • Once
    • Studio Hyperdrive
    • Arinti
    • Little Miss Robot
    • Upcore
    • Numble
    • Leap Forward
    • BeBold
    • Anvil
    • Maven
    • Exert
    • Customer Link
    • 3-IT
    • Prospectr
    • ElevateIT
    • Comark
    • IW
    • Healthonauts
    • Krew
    • Codekraton
    • EdenceHealth
    • Mirror Mirror
    • Radikal
    • Knight Moves
    • Collectief
    • Nemeon
    • Fluo
    • Involved
    • Monkeyshot
    • Catcoon
    • Exert
    • Havik
    • BeBold
    • Little Miss Robot
    • Healthonauts
    • Codekraton
    • IW
    • Lifelike
    • Comark
    • Numble
    • Customer Link
    • Leap Forward
    • Once
    • Arinti
    • Nemeon
    • Krew
    • EdenceHealth
    • Catcoon
    • ElevateIT
    • Monkeyshot
    • House of Innovation
    • Mirror Mirror
    • Collectief
    • 3-IT
    • Studio Hyperdrive
    • Maven
    • Upcore
    • Knight Moves
    • Fluo
    • Prospectr
    • Radikal
    • Anvil
    • Involved
    • IW
    • Collectief
    • Havik
    • Involved
    • Lifelike
    • Customer Link
    • BeBold
    • Exert
    • Little Miss Robot
    • Once
    • Comark
    • Maven
    • Studio Hyperdrive
    • Numble
    • Catcoon
    • Fluo
    • Mirror Mirror
    • Monkeyshot
    • EdenceHealth
    • House of Innovation
    • ElevateIT
    • Prospectr
    • Krew
    • Upcore
    • Codekraton
    • Radikal
    • Knight Moves
    • 3-IT
    • Leap Forward
    • Nemeon
    • Arinti
    • Healthonauts
    • Anvil
    • Codekraton
    • Once
    • Healthonauts
    • BeBold
    • Little Miss Robot
    • Mirror Mirror
    • 3-IT
    • Customer Link
    • Nemeon
    • Lifelike
    • ElevateIT
    • Radikal
    • Catcoon
    • Knight Moves
    • Krew
    • Involved
    • Arinti
    • IW
    • Fluo
    • Monkeyshot
    • Comark
    • Maven
    • Upcore
    • House of Innovation
    • Anvil
    • Prospectr
    • Leap Forward
    • EdenceHealth
    • Studio Hyperdrive
    • Collectief
    • Numble
    • Exert
    • Havik
    Two Colleagues Sitting Down And Discussing Something In a Cosy Office Looking at Macbook Screens, One Wearing A Blue Shirt and the Other Wearing a Dark Green Shirt

    Leaders in Human-Centric Design

    We see our users as peo­ple. This down-to-earth per­spec­tive shifts our approach from design­ing for users to craft­ing solu­tions for the humans who inter­act with them. 

    To achieve these human-cen­tric designs, we con­duct thor­ough research, test­ing mar­kets and con­cepts to under­stand peo­ple’s pref­er­ences and needs. Through­out a project, we val­i­date our ideas with real-life users and devel­op solu­tions through co-creation.

    Two Colleagues Talking and Walking In a Modern Office, Wearing Light Colours And With Abstract Balloons in the Background

    Digital Accessibility & Inclusivity

    As indus­try lead­ers in acces­si­bil­i­ty, we cre­ate dig­i­tal and phys­i­cal expe­ri­ences that cater to all tar­get groups, includ­ing vul­ner­a­ble audi­ences. Our exten­sive project exper­tise has giv­en us deep insights into diverse demo­graph­ics and mar­kets. This allows us to swift­ly iden­ti­fy needs and antic­i­pate poten­tial pit­falls through­out the project and devel­op­ment process.

    Nat­u­ral­ly, we ensure all our solu­tions com­ply with Euro­pean acces­si­bil­i­ty regulations.

    Long-term Customer Experience Partner

    Our involve­ment extends well beyond the ini­tial app or plat­form launch. We’re com­mit­ted to the ongo­ing main­te­nance and fur­ther devel­op­ment of our solu­tions. We want to pro­vide you and your cus­tomers with long-term, rel­e­vant expe­ri­ences and solu­tions. As cus­tomers and tar­get groups evolve, so do expec­ta­tions and loyalty. 

    We’re here as your trust­ed part­ner to help you nav­i­gate these con­tin­u­ous changes and main­tain and strength­en your cus­tomer loyalty.

    • User-Centered Design
    • Smart City Solutions
    • Public Sector Innovation

    City of Antwerp: User-Centred Solutions for a Future-Ready City

    Hyperion’s part­ner­ship with the city of Antwerp enhances cit­i­zen engage­ment and mod­ernises city ser­vices, across over 70 suc­cess­ful projects.

    Read more

    A collaboration between

    • Leap Forward
    • Customer Link
    • Studio Hyperdrive
    • Monkeyshot
    • Anvil

    Want to take the step together?

    Reach out to us, and let’s explore how we can build future-proof solu­tions togeth­er. We’re just a mes­sage away!

    Send us a message