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An ecosystem of hyperfocused experts

Our ecosys­tem con­sists of spe­cialised entre­pre­neurs who focus on their exper­tise while col­lab­o­rat­ing to cre­ate solu­tions that evolve with your needs and growth. We sync your now to what’s next.

  • 800+ Happy Customers
  • 450+ Experts
  • 30+ Competence Centres
  • 11+ EU Offices
About Hyperion
  • Customer Link
  • Studio Hyperdrive
  • ElevateIT
  • Krew
  • Mirror Mirror
  • Lifelike
  • Exert
  • Knight Moves
  • Anvil
  • BeBold
  • Nemeon
  • Radikal
  • Involved
  • House of Innovation
  • Leap Forward
  • Catcoon
  • Once
  • Collectief
  • 3-IT
  • Numble
  • EdenceHealth
  • Maven
  • Healthonauts
  • Havik
  • Little Miss Robot
  • Arinti
  • IW
  • Fluo
  • Upcore
  • Codekraton
  • Prospectr
  • Monkeyshot
  • Comark
    • Studio Hyperdrive
    • Lifelike
    • Once
    • Anvil
    • IW
    • Involved
    • Upcore
    • Exert
    • Nemeon
    • Knight Moves
    • Maven
    • Comark
    • Customer Link
    • Codekraton
    • Little Miss Robot
    • House of Innovation
    • ElevateIT
    • Healthonauts
    • Leap Forward
    • Mirror Mirror
    • Havik
    • Krew
    • BeBold
    • Radikal
    • EdenceHealth
    • Fluo
    • Arinti
    • Numble
    • Collectief
    • Prospectr
    • Catcoon
    • 3-IT
    • Monkeyshot
    • Involved
    • Anvil
    • Havik
    • Arinti
    • BeBold
    • ElevateIT
    • Upcore
    • Collectief
    • Studio Hyperdrive
    • Radikal
    • Nemeon
    • EdenceHealth
    • Little Miss Robot
    • Numble
    • Monkeyshot
    • Knight Moves
    • Customer Link
    • Catcoon
    • 3-IT
    • Once
    • House of Innovation
    • Leap Forward
    • Exert
    • Prospectr
    • Codekraton
    • Comark
    • Maven
    • Fluo
    • Krew
    • IW
    • Lifelike
    • Mirror Mirror
    • Healthonauts
    • Havik
    • BeBold
    • Little Miss Robot
    • 3-IT
    • Comark
    • Healthonauts
    • Involved
    • Nemeon
    • Prospectr
    • Upcore
    • ElevateIT
    • Once
    • Knight Moves
    • Arinti
    • Anvil
    • Leap Forward
    • IW
    • Catcoon
    • Customer Link
    • EdenceHealth
    • Fluo
    • Numble
    • Maven
    • Collectief
    • House of Innovation
    • Codekraton
    • Exert
    • Mirror Mirror
    • Lifelike
    • Monkeyshot
    • Radikal
    • Studio Hyperdrive
    • Krew
    • Maven
    • Little Miss Robot
    • Mirror Mirror
    • Lifelike
    • Once
    • Healthonauts
    • EdenceHealth
    • ElevateIT
    • Involved
    • Customer Link
    • Studio Hyperdrive
    • Monkeyshot
    • Codekraton
    • Collectief
    • Leap Forward
    • Upcore
    • Krew
    • Radikal
    • Catcoon
    • Anvil
    • 3-IT
    • Comark
    • Knight Moves
    • Prospectr
    • Arinti
    • House of Innovation
    • Havik
    • Numble
    • Exert
    • IW
    • Nemeon
    • BeBold
    • Fluo

    • Food Industry
    • Production Efficiency
    • Smart Algorithm

    Griffith Foods: Smart Algorithms to Boost Efficiency

    Hype­r­i­on’s smart algo­rithm enabled Grif­fith Foods to reclaim 17 pro­duc­tion days, reduce down­time, and save water, dri­ving effi­cien­cy across their operations.

    Read more

    A collaboration between

    • Arinti
    • Numble

    • AI

    Unilever: Sales Forecasting

    Hype­r­i­on’s smart algo­rithm enabled Grif­fith Foods to reclaim 17 pro­duc­tion days, reduce down­time, and save water, dri­ving effi­cien­cy across their operations.

    Read more

    A collaboration between

    • Arinti

    Our clients

    Want to take the step together?

    Reach out to us, and let’s explore how we can build future-proof solu­tions togeth­er. We’re just a mes­sage away!

    Send us a message